Posts Tagged ‘microsft’

Mojang has sold Minecraft to Microsoft for 2.5 Billion dollars as of today rumors have been all over the web this past week. Mojang sold it because they never thought it would be that big and now its a global game. Microsoft can do cool stuff with it and improve it just like Mojang did. Minecraft is going to stay the same with mods,texture packs and all the cool stuff that Minecraft has. Microsoft is focusing mainly on Minecraft currently and is still giving out info. Now here is a pro and con list.


  •  Microsoft is a good company and can make Minecraft grow
  • Xbox 360 and Xbox one will be payed attention to more and get better new updates and features
  • They can use it to boost Xbox one sales if they include it in a bundle
  • Mobile version will be getting better


  • Sony may and probably wont get as many updates or exclusive features Microsoft will do this to get more people to Xbox One and even Xbox 360. They wont cut Sony but they will make it not as good
  • PC edition might not be on so much focus but it will be very good still
  • They could screw something up
  • Notch says bye to Minecraft